Introduction & Index / Anglune Lava tha Pustik Lilorengi

Welcome to my new blog. This is the new go-to location to find my major articles, as I am no longer using Facebook as the publication platform -- though I will link new articles and the main index from time to time on my Facebook profile.

Misto avelien ko miro nevo Blog. Ake o nevo than koter te jàna kai te latena mire phare lilore, soster ne ka dava avre kekomi miri buti e Feisbukeste -- komi te cheiros cheireske ka ulevava neve lilore tha i angluni pustik lilorengi mire Feisbukeske patriniate.

If you are not already following me on Facebook then please do:

Te ne mar pàlerena man e Feisbukesa, tumender màngava te pàlerena:

You can email me at: / astis bichesa mange emailo akoi:

 THIS PAGE IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION as I am migrating my existing library of articles from Facebook Notes to this page.

Buterava komi te achevava akala patrin soske anava miro kedipen lilorengo kater o Feisbuk Notes akala patriniake.


Index of Articles / Pustik Lilorengi

Politics and Activism / Politika tha Aktivismo

History / Historia

Culture / Kultura